Vestre slidre, Oppland, Norway & Rollag, Numedal, Buskerud, Norway
arne nilsen family from vik farm
Arne Nilsen was born in town of Vestre Slidre in Oppland County (Innlandet since 2020), Norway on January 6, 1829. He was a “husmann med jord” or a “tenant farmer with land” which meant that he often rented a house and some land from a larger farm and its farm-owner. In 1800’s Norway, there were different socio-economic classes of farmer. The farm/land-owner is a “selveier,” literally a “self-owner (as in property).”
Arne’s father, Nils Arnesen (b. 1800) was a “husmann med jord” as well. According to the book entitled “Gårdar og slekter i Vestre Slidre,” Nils received the last rental contract for a husmannsplad (tenant farmer place) called Kristensbråten in 1830.
Gardar og slekter i Vestre Slidre, 1979, pg. 339 (Farms and families in Vestre Slidre) published 1979 - accessible with a Norwegian VPN.
This photo is of the “smedplassen” or blacksmith’s place at Delebekk that is referenced on pg. 339, which is now split between Hjelleøygarden and Bakko 39/10-12. (See below).
Smedplassen i Vestre Slidre, 1890, Arne Nilsen Jome. Source: Valdres Folkemuseum, ID: VFF VS-1.07;
(English) “This place was cultivated by the blacksmith Arne Nilsen Jome around 1890. He lived here until the beginning of the 20th century. Then he moved to Haugen by Kvissel. The place is also called “Ådneplassen” - or “Arne’s place” (Ådne and Arne are the same name).
Photo Caption: (Norwegian) “Plassen blei dyrka opp av smeden Arne Nilsen Jome omtrent rundt 1890. Her budde han til begynnelsen av 1900-talet. Då flytte han til Haugen ved Kvissel. Plassen blir også kalla Ådneplassen.”
Text at Smedplassen on pg. 339.
English: “The blacksmith Arne Nilsen Jome cultivated this small place from approx. 1890 and he lived here until just after the turn of the century. Arne moved to the mill Haugen under Kvissel. The place was also called Ådneplassen (Arne and Ådne are the same name). The home was a little south of the main farm (40/13) and somewhat higher up. Some of Smedplassen now belongs to Hjelleøygarden, some Bakko (39 / 10-12).”
Norwegian: “Smeden Arne Nilsen Jome dyrka opp denne vesle plassen frå ca. 1890 og han budde her till like etter hundreårsskiftet. Arne flytte til bruket Haugen under Kvissel. Plassen vart også kalla Ådneplassen (Arne og Ådne er same namnet). Heimen låg litt sør for hovudbruket (40/13) og noko høgre oppe. Noko av Smedplassen høyrer nå Hjelleøygarden til, noko Bakko (39/10-12).”
Gnr. = “Gårdsnummer” or “Farm Number”
Bnr. = “Bruksnummer” or “Farm Part Number” - which came about as the larger/main farm was divided into parts as time went on.
Common Norwegian words used in genealogical records: